
The Church arm of the Charity – YESHUA CHRISTIAN CHURCH – provides a place for:


Yeshua Christian Church is a place where genuine fellowship is encouraged and promoted at all times. Being fully aware that one of man’s major needs is fellowship (relationship, friendship, acceptance, etc.) we strive to always promote an atmosphere of fellowship and brotherly care within the entire church community.

We therefore welcome all those who are hurting or going through various challenges to attend our fellowship meetings where they can experience the pure Love of God and be truly encouraged.

Bible Teaching & Prayer

Bible teachings and prayer are an integral part of our regular church services. Our members are taught to study their bibles and pray regularly in order to remain fit spiritually.


At Yeshua Christian Church we understand that genuine biblical worship has to do with reverencing God at all times. Therefore, in addition to opportunities provided for worship at our regular fellowship meetings, members are encouraged to develop a personal lifestyle that is wholly devoted to honouring and magnifying God above all else.

To this end, every individual member is regularly reminded to prioritize spending time daily in the Word, Prayer and Praise, thereby developing a personal intimacy with God and experiencing, on a daily basis, the fullness of joy, times of refreshing and glorious transformation which abound in God’s presence for those who worshipfully wait upon Him.

We want to invite you to be a part of this growing body of believers today.

At any of our services, great times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord is available tor all comers.

Below is a summary of our Service schedule:

  • Monday – Bible Study: 7:30 PM
  • Friday – Prayer & Spiritual Warfare: 7:00 PM
  • Sunday- Worship Service: 10:00 AM